Adolescent and Adult Learning and Training Program (AALTP), for adolescents and adults who have missed an opportunity to avail education. The AALTP aims to provide accelerated formal primary education for vulnerable adolescents and basic functional literacy for adults together with a certified Skill Development / Vocational Training course for each learner for enabling them with varying opportunities of human capital development and socio economic growth.
The component of education will financially be supported by SEF; whereas, training component would be funded through the Government of Sindh.
- Proposals may be submitted for all parts of the province. Preference will be accorded to under- served areas of the province.
Targeted number of learners
- The prospective Applicant can submit proposal for any number of Learning and Training Centers. However, the viability will be judged on the basis of the organization’s presence; technical team and ability to provide both education and training components.
Salient Features
- Rs1,000 per-Learner per-month subsidy for education component linked to outcomes.
- Advance center establishment cost amounting to 06 months’ subsidy over and above the monthly subsidy cost.
- SEF will encourage an AALTP Center having 200 learners (Component A and B or Both) for provision of better management and improved facilities within allotted funds.
- SEF will also support in terms of course books / reading-learning material, teachers training and learners’ periodical assessment.
- It is expected that the Applicants provide adequately furnished Learning environment having basic facilities as envisaged under contract.
- The Education Costs / subsidy will be released on Quarterly basis.
- Subsidy for the Skill Development / Training component will be released in 02 to 04 installments depending upon the satisfactory Learning/Skill Development outcomes of the education component of the learner.

- Skill Development courses may range from 3 to 6 months but not exceeding 18 months in any case.
- Cost of Training will be Linked to type and duration of training.
- The Operator may form consortiums with Skill development organizations/ Institutions for implementing the skill development component.
- Operator may offer small entrepreneurship capacity building modules followed by Skill Development / Vocational Training to the learners who are already primary graduates, but dropped out before Matriculation.
- Operator will be responsible to ensure that the learner may opt one of the following options:
- Initiation of an enterprise/business of learners through microfinance
- Connecting the learners with job market
- Continuing / Mainstreaming Education of the learner
- The Operator will provide comprehensive mechanism of market connectivity / employment of the learners.