Established in 1992, The Sindh Education Foundation (SEF) is a semi government organization committed to empowering disadvantaged communities of Sindh towards social change by creating and facilitating new approaches to learning and education. Effective use of information and communication technologies can significantly help in provision of quality education. Thus Sindh Educational Foundation recognized the need of developing and implementing an effective android based e-learning application in compliance with national curriculum 2006. And when used in conjunction with quality tablets, the solution has a great potential to become a ubiquitous and effective ICT tool for students and teachers which would assist them in the acquisition and development of knowledge by using a unique blend of technology, e-contents, and an innovative pedagogy.
To introduce E-Learning strategies in the SEF Supported Schools so that the children of the marginalized communities have access to technology.To introduce modern and technology aided teaching methods at SEF Supported Schools for improved delivery of knowledge.To introduce a unique learning software application that can be used across the schools of Sindh and Pakistan to support teaching-learning processes especially in the context of less privileged communities.To build capacity of teachers in the areas of information and communication technology.To supplement existing teaching methodologies for improving quality of education in SEF supported schools.To encourage the concept of green and renewable energy resources so as to provide power to schools with problems of electricity supply and affordability.To strengthen the public-private partnership between SEF and school operators of SEF supported schools by supporting the operators to invest in the schools.

E-Learning Software Provision of tablet computers (30 per school) Provision of LED TV Tied grant of Rs. 200,000. (For Solar Panels and/or Comp Lab) Training and development On-going technical Support
Over 60% to 70% of SEF Assisted schools are at least 25 Km away from Tehsil headquartersKarachi Larkana Hyderabad Jacobabad Mirpurkhas Badin Jamshoro Mithi Dadu Umer Kot SBA Khairpur Sukkur
Following are the outcomes of INSTAL Project:
Approximately infrastructure of 600 schools will improve as part consideration of the Public-Private Partnership interventions to cater to the current and expected enrolment. Approximately 600 schools will receive tied grants for investment so as to improve schoolApproximately 600 Audio-Visual Rooms will be established in SEF Supported Schools during the length of the project.Approximately 135,000 to 150,000 students will be benefit with the technology based learning aides provided at the schools including LED TVs and Tablet computers.Approximately 18,000 tablet computers will be provided to SEF Supported Schools to be used for technology aided teaching and learning not just for the project but even after the project interventions are over.Approximately 600 LED TVs will be provided to SEF Supported Schools to be used for technology aided teaching and learning not just for the project but even after the project interventions are completed.A customized teaching-learning software application platform will be developed and deployed at SEF Supported schools to be used for imparting ICT supported learning not just for SEF schools but for other willing schools in the province and elsewhere across the country.Approximately 22 staff members will be hired to ensure smooth implementation of the project.Approximately 600 teachers will be hired by the school operators to teach and supplement teaching-learning at selected SEF Supported Schools.Approximately 30,000 to 40,000 out-of-school children will be brought into enrolment count as a result of advocacy campaigns and promoting technology based learning as an incentive for the less-privileged to learn and compete with the highest class of society.Approximately 1,200 teachers will be trained for using Information & Communication Technology as an effective teaching aid for supplementing teaching and learning.Approximately 22 staff members’ capacity will be built in establishing Information &Communication Technology at school level for improving teaching and learning processes.
Rs.87 per child per month or Rs.1037 per child per year